Last update: Sun. March 16 2014
GURPS 3rd Edition
Core Rules
GURPS Lite (3rd Edition):
Transhuman Space
via Warehouse 23
GURPS Character Builder Demo Version:
via http
via Warehouse 23
GURPS Character Builder
GURPS 3rd Edition Character Sheet (back)
Appendix to GURPS Basic Set, 3rd Edition Revised:
html file
text file
zip file
Table of Contents, Introduction, Travel Between Worlds
GURPS Combat Tactics: The Basics
Instant Characters for fast creation of GURPS characters
Advantages, Disadvantages and Skills
The Bigger They Are, the Harder They Fall: Q&A on GURPS Combat and Fantasy
Changes to Firearm Damage from 2nd ed. to 3rd ed.
High-Tech Low-Life: GURPS Cyberpunk Teasers
New Skill: Hiking
Intimidation and Ineptness: New Skill Rules for GURPS
GURPS Q&A from the Internet
Designer's Notes: Orbital Decay (for Transhuman Space )
Terra Incognita: Jenner-1 -- A Plague On Both Your Houses
The Next Best Thing to Human: Androids for GURPS Cyberpunk
Give Me A Hand: Updated Rules for Extra & Enhanced Limbs
The Play's The Thing
Venoms With Bite
New Advantages and Disadvantages: More Options for Character Creation
Like the Back of My Hand: Further Definition for the Area Knowledge Skill
Designer's Notes: GURPS Steam-Tech
Honor Most Criminal: Swordplay in Elizabethan England
Spell Dependency Charts
Q&A on GURPS Advantages, Disadvantages and Skills
Free-For-All: Q&A on GURPS Characters, Combat and Genres by Sean "Dr. Kromm" Punch
Q&A on GURPS Magic and Grimoire
New Methods of Divination
ERRATA -- GURPS Time Travel Adventures --
Demons! New Summoning Spells and Expanded Generation Tables
GURPS Tech Magic
More Tech Magic
GURPS Tech Magic
C-Punk Outtakes: Near Misses from GURPS Cyberpunk
Concentrated Defense: Protecting Your Vital Interests
New Okinawan Martial Arts Styles: Is Shin Ryu, Goju-Ryu, Cat Stance Maneuver
Excerpts from GURPS Martial Arts 2nd Ed.
Table of Contents, Introduction, History, Bando Style
ERRATA -- GURPS Martial Arts, Second Printing and Third Printing --
Major Supplements
GURPS Mass Combat: Generic Land Battle Rules for GURPS
Excerpts from GURPS Bio-Tech
The Tyrants
Time of the Tyrants
Designer's Notes: Extras from GURPS Bestiary, Third Edition
C-Punk Outtakes: Near Misses from GURPS Cyberpunk
GURPS GURPS Cyberpunk, Fourth Printing Eratta
Building a Better 'Borg: Advanced Bionics Rules
Brain Hacking
ERRATA -- GURPS Cyberworld, Second Printing --
GURPS Psionics (Preview)
Psi Amplifiers: A New Psionic Device for GURPS
Psionic Wizardry
Just Like Magic
The Body Control Psionic Power For GURPS
Optional Rules
I'm Not Dead Yet! An Optional Wound System for GURPS
Sleep: Advanced Rules for Fatigue and Recovery
The Gift of Tongues: Optional Language Rules for GURPS
Try A Little Bit Harder: Expanded Rules for Extra Effort
Quick Learning Under Pressure
Building Better Battles: Five Optional Rules for Advanced Combat
'Tis But A Scratch!: More Non-Generic Damage Rules For GURPS
Appendix Z: Gambling & Dice Games in GURPS
Dose of Medicine
ERRATA -- Roleplayer Magazine --
ERRATA -- Pyramid Magazine --
GURPS Q&A from the Internet
Unity University
Harn to GURPS Conversion
Freedom of the Press: Journalism in GURPS Discworld
PCs do it by default
The Noble Steed: Character Design Rules for Horses
Designer's Notes: GURPS Steampunk
Call No Man Happy Until He Is Dread: Dark Lords in GURPS Discworld
Blood Magic in GURPS
Factions: Buying Friends and Associates in GURPS
Ley Line College
Laying It On The Line: Ley Lines: An Alternate System of Magic )
Humans In Fish Suits?: Cetaceans In GURPS Blue Planet
GURPS Places of Mystery: Additional Ley Spells
Ley Line College
New Skill: Hiking
Intimidation and Ineptness: New Skill Rules for GURPS
Brain Hacking
Designer's Notes: GURPS Character Builder
Supporting Cast: Circus Maximus
GURPS Robots (Preview)
Through a Mirror Quickly
Magus Imperius
Designer's Notes: Hellboy Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game
New Methods of Divination
Free-For-All: Q&A on GURPS Characters, Combat and Genres by Sean "Dr. Kromm" Punch
Q&A on GURPS Advantages, Disadvantages and Skills
Of Gods, Kings and Swamp Gas: Acquiring Respect in GURPS Discworld
ERRATA -- GURPS Time Travel Adventures --
The Next Best Thing to Human: Androids for GURPS Cyberpunk
Give Me A Hand: Updated Rules for Extra & Enhanced Limbs
The Play's The Thing
Venoms With Bite
New Advantages and Disadvantages: More Options for Character Creation
Honor Most Criminal: Swordplay in Elizabethan England
High-Tech Low-Life: GURPS Cyberpunk Teasers
Building Character (Advantages and Disadvantages)
Excerpts from GURPS Egypt
Faerie Glamours
Gesundheit! -- Allergy: A New Disadvantage for GURPS
Looks That Kill: Optional Advantages and Disadvantages for GURPS
Superheroes Anonymous: Optional Super Advantages and Super Disadvantages for GURPS
Designer's Notes: GURPS Deadlands: Hexes
Cold Fury: New Options for Berserk in GURPS
Walking Between the Worlds: A GURPS Infinite Worlds Campaign
Organic is for Wimps! Robots in GURPS Supers
Getting into the Game: In Nomine Neural Interfaces and What You Can Do With Them
Celtic Space
The Car as the Star
Less Than Sane
The Compleat Familiar
Ritual Center
GURPS Magic Items 3 (Preview)
Just One More Point: Optional Rules for Character Creation
The Son of Cheeroonear Part II
The Shanghai Municipal Police
GURPS Aliens Errata
ERRATA - GURPS Supers, Second Edition, Third Printing
ERRATA - GURPS Supers, Second Edition, Fourth Printing
ERRATA -- GURPS Japan, First Edition --
The Hills Are Alive With the Sound of Panic
New Okinawan Martial Arts Styles: Is Shin Ryu, Goju-Ryu, Cat Stance Maneuver
Supporting Cast: Tsunayoshi Matsuro
The Western Way of War
Reticulate-The Kaa Revisited
Vechten Unde Schirmen: European Martial Arts Before The Rapier
Beyond Sylvan War Lore: Six New GURPS Martial Arts Styles for Elves
Swashbuckling in Sidebars: Additional Details for GURPS Swashbucklers
Martial Arts of Yrth
Anything Goes Martial Arts
Excerpts from GURPS Martial Arts 2nd Ed.
Table of Contents, Introduction, History, Bando Style
Martial Arts Styles for Mages
Magic in the Crucible
Eight Million Bayonets: Bayonet Fencing in GURPS WW2
Transhuman Martial Arts
Just Watch This One! Expanding the Acrobatics Skill with Maneuvers
Building Better Battles: Five Optional Rules for Advanced Combat
ERRATA -- GURPS Japan, Second Edition --
Eratta for GURPS Arabian Nights (First Printing)
Magic (or Related)
ERRATA -- GURPS Time Travel Adventures --
Table of Contents, Introduction, Principles of Magic & Casting Spells
Q&A on GURPS Magic and Grimoire
Spell Dependency Charts
Demons! New Summoning Spells and Expanded Generation Tables
GURPS Tech Magic
More Tech Magic
GURPS Tech Magic
GURPS Robots (Preview)
Christian Clerics in Yrth: Ideas for Divinely-Granted Powers
Designer's Notes: Hellboy Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game
GURPS Magic Items 2 (Preview) with
GURPS Magic Items 1 (Preview)
GURPS Magic Items 3 (Preview)
Wondrous Widgets: More Outtakes from GURPS Magic Items 2
Outtakes from GURPS Magic Items 2
What's In the Chest? Outtakes from GURPS Magic Items
Aspected Magery as a Tool for Game Balance
Blood Magic in GURPS
New Methods of Divination
Fiendish Powerstone Quirks
Cutting Edge Magic in GURPS
Through a Mirror Quickly
Bio-Tech Designer's Notes
Magus Imperius
Excerpts from GURPS Technomancer
The Compleat Familiar
More Elixirs
Designer's Notes: GURPS Magic Items 3
Martial Arts Styles for Mages
Magic in the Crucible
Playable PC Enchanters for GURPS: The Crossbow Method
The Compleat Powerstone
Alternate Enchantment: An Expanded Look at Creating Magic Items in GURPS
'Rapid' enchantment in GURPS
Student's Guide to New Magical Opportunities at Illuminati University, by Elizabeth McCoy and Walter Milliken
The CHEESE College
Gene Weaver
Creatures of the Night : Plague Zombies
The Money College of Magic (for GURPS IOU)
Clothing College of Spells for GURPS IOU
The CIA's Grimoire
Ley Line College
Laying It On The Line: Ley Lines: An Alternate System of Magic
Laying It On The Line: Ley Lines: An Alternate System of Magic
Ley Line College
GURPS Places of Mystery: Additional Ley Spells
GURPS Places of Mystery: Additional Ley Spells
Spellcasting By The Book: Librams in the Magical Campaign
Unlimited Mana
Limited Mana
Discworld: Miscellany
Mana-pulations: Tools & Techniques for Balancing Magical Adventures
Up With Magic! Down With Magic!
Inherent Magic (Knacks) as the Only Magic
Improvisational Magic as the Only Magic
Faith-Based Magic
Enchanting for Non-Mages
A Brief Spell of Madness: A New Twist on GURPS Magic
Skill-Based Energy Costs For GURPS Magic
Magic Ingredients Revisited: Spell Ingredients for GURPS
GURPS Tarot Magic
Appendix Z: Decanic Focusers
Ritual Magic for Mind and Metal
Suppoting Cast: The Man
Appendix Z: Traffickomancy
Australian Aboriginal Magic
Low-Tech Economies
Horse Sense
Table of Contents, Introduction, Insect Agents, Suspended Animation
Look It Up!
Honor Most Criminal: Swordplay in Elizabethan England
Roadblock: Four 20th Century Armored Cars for GURPS
The Garage: Samples for GURPS Vehicles Lite
Designer's Notes: GURPS WWII: Weird War II
GURPS Magic Items 2 (Preview) with
GURPS Magic Items 1 (Preview)
GURPS Magic Items 3 (Preview)
Wondrous Widgets: More Outtakes from GURPS Magic Items 2
Outtakes from GURPS Magic Items 2
What's In the Chest? Outtakes from GURPS Magic Items
Cliffhangers, Old West or Special Ops Adventure
A Minor Emergency
The Daga-Shai: A Society of Half-Orc Assassins for GURPS Fantasy
Designer's Notes: GURPS Steampunk
Transhuman Martial Arts
Eight Million Bayonets: Bayonet Fencing in GURPS WW2
Beyond Sylvan War Lore: Six New GURPS Martial Arts Styles for Elves
Reticulate-The Kaa Revisited
Vechten Unde Schirmen: European Martial Arts Before The Rapier
The Hills Are Alive With the Sound of Panic
GURPS Robots (Preview)
9 Plants From Outer Space: A GURPS Space Herbarium
Tools Are Just A Fad!
Time of the Tyrants
The Tyrants
In Her Majesty's Service: Weapons And Equipment Of The Late Victorian British Soldier
Victorian Firearms for GURPS
ERRATA -- GURPS Humanx --
ERRATA -- GURPS Dinosaur --
ERRATA -- GURPS Japan, First Edition --
ERRATA -- GURPS Cyberworld, Second Printing --
ERRATA -- GURPS Martial Arts, Second Printing and Third Printing --
ERRATA -- GURPS High-Tech, Third Edition
GURPS Imperial Rome Errata
Ancient and Fantasy Armor Revisited
Scale and Lamellar Armor
GURPS Traveller: Ground Forces (Preview)
Module Prime Alpha (Preview)
GURPS Covert Ops (Preview)
Designer's Notes: GURPS WWII: Hand of Steel
GURPS Technomancer Designer's Notes
Concealable Weapons and Equipment for GURPS
Excerpts from GURPS Ultra-Tech 2
Ultra Weapons, Ultra Healing: New Devices and Weapon Table
More Ultra-Technology: New Super-Science Gadgets
Weapons and Armor in GURPS Space: Part 1 of 2
Weapons and Armor in GURPS Space: Part 2 of 2
I Laugh At Your Puny Blasters! Ultra-Tech Armor
Gadgets, Lots of Gadgets! (Ultra-Tech Designer's Article)
More Bang For The Buck: Ultra-Tech Grenades
Ultra-Tech Slugthrowers
Uncle Albert's Auto Stop and Gunnery Shop Online: Sonic Cannon!
In Trouble Again
Designers' Notes: GURPS Covert Ops
GURPS Traveller: Far Trader (Preview)
New Ships for GURPS Traveller
Use of Weapons: Arming characters for a GURPS Space campaign
Salvation for the Disillusioned Archer
GURPS GURPS Cyberpunk, Fourth Printing Eratta
Warehouse 23: The C-9 V.R.I.D.
Designer's Notes: GURPS Villains
The Son of Cheeroonear Part II
Table of Contents, Introduction, The Paris Campaign, The Pirate Campaign, and Sailing Ships
Trouble at the High Tide Saloon: Brawling, Western Style
Now That's a Knife!: Modern Blades in GURPS
Medieval and Fantasy Missile Weapons
Special Ops Weapons of Today
Secret Weapons in GURPS
Autocannons For GURPS
Guns That Might Have Been: Alternate Firearms for Alternate Histories
Designer's Notes: GURPS Modern Firepower
Modern Vikings: Naval Special Warfare Units in Northern Europe
Combine Infantry Weapons and Tactics in GURPS Ogre
Japan Ranged Weapons Table
I Am Iron Man: Combat Golems in GURPS Technomancer
Masks of Power
Traveller to GURPS Conversions